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Includes new custom-installed self-playing system.
Yamaha's S Series grand pianos (still produced today as the CF Series) represent the company's ultimate effort to produce a world-class piano. These premium limited-edition instruments are hand-made in a dedicated facility by a small team of some of the world's most highly-skilled piano craftsmen.
Attention to detail permeates every aspect of the creation of each Yamaha S Series grand piano, from the meticulous selection of the instrument's tone woods, to the hand-winding of each bass string, to the hand-pressing of each hammer felt, to the exceptional final factory voicing and regulation by Yamaha's master craftsmen.
The result is an instrument which very few pianists and technicians have yet had the opportunity to experience in person (owing to their extremely limited production quantities). Those who have, however, tend to rank them among the world’s finest instruments, and they have frequently been selected by pianists participating in international piano competitions.
This 6'3'' Yamaha S Series grand piano, Model S-400B, was handcrafted by Yamaha in 1989 and comes to us from a single private owner who clearly respected the instrument and kept it in beautiful condition.
Musically speaking, it is a singularly impressive instrument, even compared to high standards of Yamaha's more commonly encountered mass-produced Japan-made C/CX series grands. While its action is wonderfully crisp and responsive (as one would expect from a Yamaha) we were particularly impressed by its phenomenal tone, which exhibits a breadth and complexity one would typically encounter only in a hand-built European instrument.
Its bass presence and overall sustain compare favorably to much larger instruments, and it could likely match (if not outperform) many of the 7' semi-concert grands we've encountered.
With the comparable new hand-built Yamaha grand piano (the Yamaha CF4) priced over $114,000, we're confident you'll appreciate the amazing value offered by this fabulous instrument.
Possessing a lush tonal presence and a brilliant sound with amazing depth, S Series grand pianos build from a heritage of more than a century of piano crafting. With the expressive power only Yamaha pianos can provide, the S Series epitomizes the answer to a pianist’s desire for a grand piano capable of transforming their visions into inspiring music. Harnessing the highest levels of manufacturing, materials and workmanship, the S Series delivers elegant and well-balanced tonal quality across all registers.
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Prior to delivery, we'll transform this piano into an iPad-ready, wireless smart home entertainment device with a custom-installed player piano system. Listen to beautiful piano music any time you want, produced live at your piano with real moving keys. An included speaker gives you live vocal and instrumental accompaniment.
Choose from the industry-leading QRS PNOmation3 or PianoDisc Prodigy Playback Bundles, either one included in the purchase price.
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