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Compare new at: $106,700.00
This Steinway Model L 5'10'' grand piano, originally built in New York in 1939, will make a lovely addition to your home.
The prior owner of this instrument commissioned an extensive restoration of it in 2015. Materials and workmanship appear to be top-quality, and the result is a truly beautiful and musically satisfying Steinway.
Based on our inspection, the restoration performed on this piano included the following:
This instrument embodies the signature Steinway sound: rich, full, and layered, with impressive power and depth. It’s an exceptional choice for pianists of all skill levels and for anyone who values the pinnacle of American piano craftsmanship.
With the cost of the comparable new instrument (the Steinway Model O) in satin ebony exceeding $106,000, you'll undoubtedly appreciate the value of this beautiful restored specimen.
For over 150 years, Steinway & Sons have been making the finest handmade pianos in the world and have set an uncompromising standard for sound, touch, beauty and investment value. Preferred overwhelmingly by 9 out 10 concert artists, composers, performers and countless piano enthusiasts.
The smallest Steinway concert grand piano offering remarkable depth and resonance yet requires less space than full-sized grands.
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